Ankh Morpork's Finest Coder
Tuesday, March 01, 2005

BillyG is to be knighted
Slashdot and all are buzzing about Bill Gates getting a knighthood. But this is OLD news. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3428673.stm

His shield will be "The Blue Shield of Death."

Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire or KCOTMEOOTBE Or Knights of the Old Republic - British Empire Edition

(Darth Raymond) "I challenge you to a duel, Master Gates."
(Jedi Gates) "All right, just let me boot up my light saber."

10 minutes pass

(G) "Ok, my blade's on."
(R) "Then to battle!"
(G) "No, wait, now I need to turn on Windows Media Player so I can change my saber color."


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